Artificial Grass Oregon
Artificial Grass Oregon
Serving Oregon

Hollow Blade Has Arrived! Artificial Grass That Keeps Moisture Inside To Stabilize the Temperature of the Lawn

We are pleased to announce the release of first of its kind technology- "Hollow Blade"- that prevents moisture from transpiration.

Call us for FREE Samples! See pictures and specifications:Hollow Blade 73

If the heat absorbing properties of the artificial grass made you reluctant to buy; think again! Hollow Blade- first of its kind product by Global Syn-Turf is specially designed to lessen the temperature of the lawns during bright sunny days. This latest blade designed by GST has a hollow veil in the center of the grass which ensures that the temperature of the lawn continues to be stable and cool despite hot climate.

In plants, leaf surfaces are dotted with stomata (opening, or holes) bordered by guard cells that open and close the pore. It is stomata apertures that facilitate transpiration and cool grass as the escaping water vapor carries away heat energy. GST's Hollow Blade technology imitates the same process which helps in retaining moisture inside the stems for longer period thereby decreasing the lawn temperature.

In the last few decades, technology in the artificial grass industry has come a long way. The most important element in the artificial grass industry is creating a right angle during blade designing since it plays a crucial role for sunlight reflection. Failing to do so causes a substantial rise in the lawn temperature. However, Global Syn-Turf displayed a great leap forward and had successfully provided a phenomenal solution with its latest blade design Hollow Blade.

September 2, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Outdoor Carpet, Outdoor Carpet, Turf Grass, Turf Grass

EXTENDED HOURS! Now Open Saturdays!

We are pleased to announce that we have added EXTENDED HOURS to our schedule, to make ordering and local pickups more convenient!

Starting on August 29th, Global Syn-Turf's Hayward warehouse on 3463 Arden Rd. and our office in Hayward, California will now be open from 7am till 3pm every Saturday.

Monday-Friday: Open from 6.30 AM until 6.30 PM PST.
Saturdays: Now open from 7 AM until 3 PM.

We look forward to hearing from you during our new hours!
August 27, 2015   |  

Shocking Climate Changes in Oregon: Drought Report

California has been getting the tons of attention for the historic drought, but it is not only one state that experiences severe economic impacts on agriculture and natural resources. The drought is officially declared in the state of Oregon.

According to the final Water Supply Review for 2015, the NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Oregon's snowpack in the winter of 2015 peaked at the lowest levels ranked in the last 35 years. Numerous snow monitoring sites set records for the lowest peak snowpack and earliest melt-out date since measurements began. Streamflow is presumed to be well below normal through the end of summer, especially in the driest regions of the state. The current statewide average precipitation is 88%.

In western Oregon, the snowpack topped 60-90% below the normal amounts. The snow melted three months earlier. The snowpack in the Eastern Oregon was insignificantly better, peaking 30-80% below average levels and up to 2 months earlier than usual. Lack of normal snowpack has led to lowest streamflow for the state. According to the National Drought Monitor, most of Oregon is included in the severe to extreme drought group. In 2015, Governor Kate Brown declared a drought state of emergency in 15 counties, as a result, and water shortages across Oregon are expected.

The official drought is in place for 2015 in the following counties: Baker, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Gilliam, Douglas, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Josephine,Jackson, Jefferson, Klamath, Lane, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Union, Umatilla, Wasco and Wheeler. Lynn County requested drought declaration on August 19, 2015.

For homeowners in the state of Oregon, limited water supplies means the necessity to cut down water used for landscape irrigation. Water Resources Department suggests to water before 10 am in the morning to prevent water evaporation, fungus, and other lawn diseases. But water costs are rising across the country. In the city of Portland, Oregon, the rate in 2015-2016 is $3.940 per unit compared to $3.682 in 2014-2015. Water in Oregon is cheaper than in California where in 2015, the single-family household is charged $4.86 per unit, $6.52 for each additional unit after four used, and $12.40 for all wastewater units. There is no tiered pricing for Oregon water users yet. But as drought spreads, water agencies will increase prices to encourage businesses and residents to conserve water.
August 21, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Facts, Drought, Drought, Water Scarcity, Water Scarcity

Sacramento: Back to Desert, or Lifting a Ban on Artificial Grass?

Sacramento Planning Commission is considering to lift a 1984 ban that prohibited to install artificial grass in the front yards. Due to the new California drought emergency water conservation regulations, state officials must take all necessary action to prepare for water shortages. Artificial grass is the alternative landscape option available to home and business owners today. In California cities, except Sacramento, rebates are offered by local water agencies to those who volunteer to tear off their water-thirsty lawns and turn them into a drought-tolerant landscape. But before the ban is lifted, Sacramento residents who installed synthetic lawns on their front yards can be fined by authorities.

Artificial grass technology in 1984 didn't allow natural, super-realistic look offered today. Synthetic turf back then was primarily used by sports industry. The initial 1984 ordinance was imposed to keep the aesthetics of the city intact. The time has changed. The artificial grass industry has evolved dramatically. Today, we have more than 75 artificial grass products intended for residential and commercial applications. We use more than a dozen unique technologies to replicate the feel and look of the natural grass. Synthetic lawns today look more alive, green and beautiful than regular lawns. Plus, they require no maintenance and reduce water usage by more than fifty percent for an average household.

The Planning and Design Commission of Sacramento is considering to set rules for front lawns fake grass as to require a pile height of grass to be not less than 1.25 inches. Samples of artificial grass and an installation guide will be presented this Thursday to the commission. If the proposal is approved this week, it will be sent to the consideration of City Council.

Most critics of fake lawns argue about fake grass with no factual prove at hand. A multitude of tests is done to every fake grass product sold in the United States. The only concern that were raised lately in the media is the artificial grass infill. Those concerns are aimed towards sports fields application, as rubber crumbs made of old tires are used on athletic fields to meet GMax Shock Attenuation Testing requirements. For landscape lawns, the infill solutions are simple. Zeofill (volcano ash), if you have pets or sand are 100% organic and safe.

For Sacramento residents, the lifting of an old ban means a new way to improve a curb-appeal of their properties while staying on top of 28 percent water cuts obligations. As the California drought continues, there is a serious choice for city authorities to make. Will Sacramento go back to its original desert look, or stay green no matter what forecast says?
August 18, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Drought, California Water Crisis, California Water Crisis, Drought In California, Drought In California, Rebates, Rebates, Drought California, Drought California, Drought

Global Warming is Happening: Surviving Retirement

If you are retired and live on a fixed income, don't fall into a trap of ignoring the entire global warming concept. According to surveys, two-third of Americans believe in a scientists disagreement on the issue. You might be surprised, but today scientists agreement on climate change exceeds 99%. Global warming is happening. The consequences are terrifying.

Water deficiency leads to a farming crisis in the drought states. Did you know that 90 percent of the broccoli, distributed in the United States, is grown in California, along with 99% of artichokes, 99% of walnuts, 97% of kiwis, 97 % of plums, 95% of celery, 95% of garlic, 89% of cauliflower, 71% of spinach, and 69% of carrots (the list goes on)? There is no other state, or a combination of climate and soil can outmatch California's production per acre. Lemons and Spinach California's supply is 55 percent higher than in any other state. If California farming fails to meet demand, prices will sky-rocket across the country.

While Jerry Brown, the Governor of California, ordered mandatory water cuts for residents, agriculture was exempted from new rules, even though farms are the biggest water users. Not everyone likes this measure, but if you think of a bigger picture, agricultural exemption prevents food and vegetable prices to become volatile shortly. 25% water cuts in California during the state of historic drought means a different world where "we have to act differently", said Jerry Brown.

Changing lawns to a drought-tolerant landscape is the big step toward global warming survival. Cutting down an outdoor irrigation saves more than a half of water usages for an average household. As far as options for waterless landscape go, artificial grass installed in your front and backyard can save you gallons of water every day. Synthetic surfaces made by Global Syn-Turf can last twenty years or longer under standard residential use. It means water compliance with the state requirements and no maintenance fees. Artificial grass looks and feels better than semi-arid desert with concrete pavement, or a rock garden. If you have dogs, you don't have to worry about dust on your kitchen floor nor brown or dead spots of your lawn. The time of old astroturf that looks more like a short-fiber outdoor carpet is gone.

Today, we have more than 75 different types of fake grass that come in various colors, shades, heights and backing for any custom application. If you like to play golf, you can choose to transform your backyard into a tranquil golf course. If you have a dog, our pet turf is the cost-effective, environmentally friendly surface that allows any liquids including a dog urine to drain quickly through the backing leaving no smell and no residue behind.

In the last decade, artificial grass lawns became popular across the United States, not only in California, Nevada, Texas and New Mexico. Earlier, synthetic turf solutions were available only for commercial applications due to the high costs of material and installation, today we provide cost-effective solutions to homeowners and small businesses that can fit any budget and taste. Synthetic lawns significantly cut water bills and eliminate the need of lawn maintenance. If you are retired and getting ready to retire and keep you bills down, we suggest you to put artificial grass on your big investment list.
August 14, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Energy Conservation, Energy Conservation, Drought California, Drought, Drought, Saving Money, Saving Money, Drought In California, Drought In California, How To Save Money, How To Save Money, Drought California

Yes, You Can Put Up That Artificial Grass

Question: The homeowner's association in my "planned community" does not allow artificial grass in my yard. What are my options?

Answer: You should point the administration of your HOA to a new extension AB 349 of the bill AB 2104 by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego. AB 2104 required a common interest developments to adopt a updated model ordinance regarding water-efficient landscapes that are effective in conserving water. New assembly bill AB 349 prohibits HOAs impose a fine or assessment on separate interest owners for use of artificial grass or any other synthetic surface that resembles grass, unless your homeowner association uses recycled water for landscape irrigation.

"We face a very real water shortage that challenges many of our old habits, and there's nothing fake about our responsibility to find ways to conserve wherever we can," Gonzalez said. "All Californians have tough benchmarks for reducing their water use, and it's our job to make sure homeowners have every opportunity to achieve the conservation we need."

At the time of California historic drought, this act is an urgency statue shall go into immediate effect. Numerous homeowner associations discriminated and fined homeowners who attempted to replace their water-thirsty lawns with synthetic grass.

Morrison Ranch Estates Homeowners' Association fined Agoura Hills homeowner, Greg Greenstein who replaced the grass on his property with artificial grass in his effort to conserve water, with more than $4,000 and demanded to remove the new lawn.

Rancho Pacifica, a gated community of multimillion-dollar homes in the hills east of Del Mar, prohibited a retired couple, Brian and Frances Holloway, who live in a palatial 9,000-square-foot Mediterranean to get rid of the water- sucking front lawn. They fine them $50 per day until the lawn removal.

La Costa Valley HOA, Carlsbad, CA turned down Val Buonaiuto, who planned to install artificial grass in his front yard.

In Carlsbad, California James Zemel installed synthetic lawns in his front and backyards. According to LAtimes he spent $14,000, and his monthly bill has dropped to $38. His water district sent him a thank you letter for his conservation effort. However, his HOA has demanded to remove the grass from his front yard, and threaten him with fines and legal action.

Las Costa Green HOA is one of the few in San Diego County that allows fake grass on front lawns. Its resident, Rocky Wilson, grandfathered synthetic grass installation in his home, in 2006.

The first bill didn't include artificial grass as a part of the water-efficient landscape. Gonzales said she held back because of Brown's past opposition to protections. In 2011, the governor said individual HOAs should make the decision, not state government. Residents outside of homeowners associations are free to install fake grass with few, if any, restrictions. But in 2015, California found itself in the fourth year of severe and potentially devastating drought.

Landscape irrigation, according to the Department of Water Resources draws 43 percent of residential water use. The installation of artificial grass, instead of traditional landscapes and lawns, can directly decrease outdoor water use to support the Governor's mandated 25-percent statewide water use reduction.

During the state of emergency, declared by Jerry Brown on July 1, 2015, homeowners associations are prohibited to fine and discriminated the members who are installing artificial grass on their front lawns. Throughout California, homeowners are subject to strict water conservation ordinances. While in the middle of a water deficiency crisis, homeowner associations are not allowing members to perform deliberate sacrifices and are still forcing them to keep grass lawns, and fining them. AB 349 ensures that all homeowners have the right to conserve water by replacing grass with artificial turf.

The bill stated that "Property owners who pursue water conservation should be encouraged, not sued or fined. Thus, this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety."

August 10, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Drought, California Drought, Drought In California, Drought In California, Drought California, Drought California, Drought, Drought

New PET TURF with 3X Drainage Capacity Has Arrived!

Although Global Syn-Turf, Inc. has been a leading artificial grass manufacturer in the United States, with more than 75 synthetic turf products available to home and business owners, we have been steadily working on a completely redesigned artificial grass for dogs since the beginning of 2015. The new product, Pet Turf, does not keep under wraps anymore, and available today for everyone who craved to learn some intriguing details.

In an effort to make a truly affordable, high quality synthetic grass for use on pet areas, we combined the most popular options in one product that provide 3X superior drainage for any liquid to drain quickly through the turf backing without leaving unwanted residue. Since the backing on the turf is porous, all liquids including a pet's urine will drain quickly to the ground and will not stain the fibers. Unlike most artificial grass advertised in the United States as the appropriate turf for dogs, most grass systems have limited drainage and restricted cleanability. Insufficient drainage also leads to the smelly backyard. Pet Turf from GST is the ultimate artificial grass for dogs solution.

We incorporated our unique blade technology, called U-Blade into the specifications of Pet Turf. Shaped like a letter U, this technology supports superior durability and resiliency to the grass. Fibers designed in the U-shape support natural ability to bounce back and regain their fluffy texture. Pet Turf will fluff up in the heavy foot traffic conditions, or after heavy objects have been removed from the turf (for example, outdoor furniture.)

Durability and color stability is the other important Pet Turf characteristic. Pet Turf will not fade, and it's original dual colors, Emerald Green, and Olive Green will remain the same under our extended ten years warranty.

With the pile height 1 1/8'' and the face weight is 50 oz. per sq.yard, Pet Turf is soft to a touch and looks precisely as a real grass with advantages of zero-maintenance and water conservation. Added dual color thatching, green and brown, supports the natural look and fluffiness to your lawn or a dog run. If you are fighting an uphill battle with watering, fertilizing, mowing, edging, aerating, and re-sodding your lawns, Pet Turf ends this hassle with an easy, cost-effective solution.

Many commercial pet institutions, veterinary hospitals, pet's hotels, dog parks, pet shelters find that benefits of switching to special artificial pet turf, is more efficient than deal with multiple issues associated with real grass. No dirty paws, no expensive maintenance, no high water bills make synthetic grass the number one option that save time and money. With Pet Turf, the transition is easy and affordable. With the promise of creating a safe, clean, long-lasting space for your pets, we can help to make your life and life of your pets hassle-free.

August 7, 2015   |   Artificial Grass For Dogs, Artificial Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Grass For Dogs, Pet Turf, Pet Turf, Drainage, Drainage, Dog Run, Dog Run, Dog Hospital, Dog Hospital, Fake Grass For Dogs, Fake Grass For Dogs, Artificial Turf For Dogs, Artificial Turf For Dogs

Turf War At The Bay Area Largest Water Agency

Tor Mclean, the resident of Lafayette, California, solved the California historic drought issue at his own backyard. He tore away his water-thirsty lawn and turned it into a beautiful, eternally green retreat that requires zero maintenance and lowers approximatly 70% of his monthly water bill. Plus, he is getting a rebate from East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) to decrease the cost of transition.

"I want it look pretty. I want it look good, " -said Tor Mclean. "Don't have to spend a lot of money on it, and conserve water. No matter if the drought is over or not," - he said, "this project is going to stay."

Abby Figueroa, the East Bay Municipal Utility District, told ABC7 News that the agency planned the cap up to $2,500 in cash rewards to homeowners who are switching to the drought-tolerant natural plants. They might extend rebates to those who go with artificial grass with a cap of $1,200. But California Redbud, Cleveland Sage and Cofee Berry, though look decent on the front lawns, can't replace traditional California backyards, the place for kids to play and for adults to enjoy the 4th of July barbeque. But not everyone is happy.

As a continuous effort to minimise the plastic waste, the Alameda County public recycling agency, sent a letter in protest to Est Bay Mud. "This stuff has no place to go after its useful life other than a landfill, and people may install it and send it to landfill a few years after the drought is over," Stop Waste spokesperson Gary Wolff said.

But the question is: will the drought be over in a few yeas? Artificial grass life expectancy under regular traffic is at least twenty years. Most Californians realize that no matter what agencies say, July 1 water price increase is just a beginning.

EBMUD raised water rates three years in a row. Someone has to pay for aging infrastructure, and this someone is California residents. Last year, Abby Figueroa mentioned that increasing water prices are "politically challenging." Now, when the California drought got to the catastrophic stage, it is time to invest in a new technology, and it will affect the cost of every household in the state.

"The drought has been the main drive in the industry. People look for the alternatives to their real sod," - said Andrew Gao, Global Syn-Turf's CEO, in his interview with Cornell Barnard, ABC7 News.

As Cornell Barnard mentioned on air, the artificial grass business is booming. "Grass is always greener at Global Syn-Turf. The demand is so high for the fake grass they make it's been hot for their business for the last two years."

Most synthetic turf manufacturers in the United States have a challenging time to keep with growing demand. Some of them have at least three months in back orders. At Global Syn-Turf, we are happy to give an immediate solution to our customers. Global Syn-Turf is the largest manufacturer of artificial grass in the United States with the largest inventory of highest quality synthetic grass in the country. Every order is fulfilled in the timely manner. While most companies have no manufacturing capacity to produce enough turf for sky-rocketing demand, we can supply turf TODAY. Plus, if you walk through our website, you will see the biggest collection of grass and the widest range of technologies we have innovated throughout years.

Global Syn-Turf collection of artificial grass is impressive and contains more than 65 different types of turf - from landscape applications and sports fields to professional putting greens and unique grass with exceptional drainage intended for pet areas.

With warehouses in Northern and Southern California and all around the country, there is no need to wait three months or more to lower your water bills. Call us today and start saving water immediately.

Cornell Barnard, ABC7 News, believes that "during the drought there is nothing fake about saving water."
June 24, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Artificial Turf, Artificial Turf, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Grass, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Artificial Grass Cost, Artificial Grass Cost

Bernhard Langer Triumph at Belmont. Magic Week.

The 2015 Constellation Senior Players Championship was "a magic week" for Bernhard Langer, two-times Masters Champion, who lead wire-to-wire victory at the Belmont Country Club, Massachusetts. It became Bernhard's 81st individual triumph. This time, he won six shots over Kirk Triplett.

In the last round of the Constellation Senior Players Championship, ending with a 3-under 68 closing round and a 6-shot margin of triumph, Langer achieves his 24th career win on the Campions Tour. He became the first senior golfer to repeat as Senior Players winner since Arnold Palmer in 1984-1985.

The triumph extended Langer's streak of winning at least one Champions Tour event each year of his membership, starting in 2007. Usually, Langer didn't wait long for his opening victory of the season. He won twice in his first start, three times in his third, twice in his fourth.

Over his initial nine starts, Langer had his share of consecutive ends (five top-10s), but no wins. Only in 2012 Langer won on his 14th Champions Tour. This year, calm and methodical Langer was growing impatient by the start of the 48th week.

Called the golf's international man of mystery for 25 years since his first Masters championship in 1985, Bernhard Langer is the golf's most pronounced stoic. He was placed in the Top 10 88 times, and he finished in the top 25 120 times.

Most players are struggling to understand the Belmont's greens, but with a help of Terry Holt, Langer felt comfortable. He opened 65-65, three-putted twice the week and averages thirty putts per round. Impressive 89 percent for someone who doesn't recall being in the Boston area before.

"I think I was, throughout my career, fairly consistent and had a lot of good years," - said Langer once. "I might have been a little bit better than the average player as well. I tried to stay in shape and I'm still playing some golf and having fun doing it. There're lot of other guys who do the same. I think I just feel that I can still improve myself, I can still learn about my technique and the way I play golf. I can still become a better chipper and putter of the golf ball and if I can improve just a little bit, let's say a stroke a day, that would be phenomenal because it would mean three of four shots for the week, which means that I would be up there at the top of the leaderboard somewhere."

"Congratulations, Mr. Langer!" - Dave Maronic is excited to see the golf legend win once again. Dave with the team visited Bernhard Langer private residence in Southern Florida two years ago. "It's amazing what a man can do if he spent as much time on green as Bernhard Langer. He loves the game, and with a golf settings in his backyard, he can practice anytime. As some say - no pain or suffering with Mr. Langer - just pure, beautiful golf."

As you know, Global Syn-Turf's premium quality putting greens never requires watering and mowing, and designed to receive shots like real bent- and Bermuda grass greens. It helps professional golfers by allowing them to practice swings without leaving their comfort zones.

Global Syn-Turf putting greens provide golfers with a first-class golf experience. It gives resilience, smoothness and firmness - which characteristics contribute to the overall speed of the putting green and yield green speeds up to 15 with infill and nine to 10 without. Moreover, Global Syn-Turf putting greens are pet, child and environmentally friendly with no need for watering, fertilizing, disposal of grass clippings, and greatest of all, no need for lawn mowers all of which free up the golfer's time for practicing his game. And finally, Global Syn-Turf has a full range of colors, heights, and thickness to fulfill the requirements of any professional golfer's ideal grass.
June 16, 2015   |   Golf Course, Golf Course, Bernhard Langer, Bernhard Langer, Golf Club, Golf Club, PGA Golf, PGA Golf, Golf Clubs, Golf Clubs, Pga Golf Leaderboard, Pga Golf Leaderboard, Golf Equipment, Golf Equipment

Jon Stewart References California as a Jurassic World But This Time... BOOM! Everything Went Horribly Wrong.

The "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart has his own idea of how to solve the California Drought issue.

"First, as you know, California goes through historic unprecedented dry spell. " - says Jon Stewart at Thursday's Daily Show. "We are talking about original movie ideas. BOOM! Take that Jurassic world. Hey, what if they build another dinosaur theme park, but this time things also went horribly wrong."
Check Out The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Then, Stewart explains why there is a little hope for Californians to avoid the consequences of the drought: "I am talking about the catastrophic four-year drought. Californian's reservoirs are empty. The snow pack is gone. What little water remains in control of ruthless, disfigured warlord, doling out precious moisture from his mountain stronghold" (referencing this year blockbuster hit Mad Max.)

In the next clip, Stewart demonstrates, is an image of Immortan Joe, the lord of the Citadel (the place that beholds the water supply) in Mad Max, and states "Wow, Jerry Brown has not aged well."

"I am just kidding, " - says Stewart. "Jerry Brown didn't age at all. He is still good old governor, putting a water scarcity issue in terms that anyone on "shrooms" can understand. "

In the next clip presents the Jerry Brown quotes: "Someone will call water a right. Someone will call water an essence of life. Water is a baptism. Water is a poetry."

Jon Stewart seems to have a hard time to agree with a poetic associations of the governor of California. He says: "Roses are read. Violets are blue. Can I wash my f#* wash car or not?"

Can California conserve enough water to support life in the state? Stewart thinks there is time to get on top of the disaster: "California instituted mandatory water restrictions. They are tempting to get overall water usage down to 25 percent, obviously not including agriculture which is most of the water usage. But right now, usage is only down 9 percent, so it is time to get real."

As we know, apart from the state government ideas to desalinate the water from the ocean, which will inevitably increase the cost of water five times or more, and the latest plan of Jerry Brown to build two tunnels to divert water around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to the south, the water recycling plan sounds more realistic as now. Some Southern California communities are using the recycled water, and it works well for them and the environment. But what do people think of this alternative?

"This 620 million dollar water recycling plant turns treated sewage from the sanitation department next door into drinkable water. The water that comes out is cleaner than most tap water in the country. It's officially called "Indirect potable reuse", but it's more descriptively known as toilet-to-tap."

It is easier to say from the East Coast location, where the Daily Show is filmed, but Stewart is more open-minded than most of us. He says: " It's known as toilet-to-tap, but there are steps in between. You are not just sticking a drinking straw in somebody's ass. There is a process it goes through. But, obviously, thanks to the name toilet-to-tap, people tends to react to this God-sent drought solution like this."

What do people think about the recycled water? Or, rather, how do they feel about it?

"That's dirty. That's nasty."

"It's kind of disgusting."

"Yucky factor."

"Major icky and gross factor."
Gayle King is not an exception: "Of course when you how it is done, it's just a graphic in my mind - what I've seen in the toilet it's scary."

"Californians! If you want to buy something you don't call it what it's really is. You have to spice it up a little bit. Like, porn. You think the Valley would have porn, if porn were renamed "Sad Romanians. F*# for money?" - asks Stewart.

Snitching, according to Stewart, is a "far more renewable resource" of water conservation than technologies to recycle water. He mentions that some water agencies in California launched the app for people to report water wasters.
June 15, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Drought In California, Drought In California, Drought California, Drought California, Drought, Drought, Water Scarcity, Water Scarcity
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